Coaching Modules

Just a preview of the topics we cover, including bonus materials you'll receive!

  • 1

    Session #1: Marketing, Pricing, Legal

    • PDF Presentation: Session #1

    • **Updated 4/30/24** Client inquiry e-mail sequence

    • Anna Delores Associate Team Investment page

    • Package pricing spreadsheet template

    • Independent Contractor Agreement template

    • Legal sources consulted

    • Copy of Zoom call recording - 2023 attorney session

    • **NEW 4/30/24** Workflows and Additional email templates

    • **NEW** Zoom call recording 4/30/24

  • 2

    Session #2: Finding Candidates, Training, Management

    • PDF presentation: Session #2

    • Job description + phone interview templates

    • E-mail template for possible candidates

    • Canva templates for social media

    • Orientation presentation

    • Anna Delores associate orientation manual

    • Non-Disclosure Agreement example

    • Forms for new employees and contractors

    • Recommended podcast episodes